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Central Oregon Coast Amateur Radio Club
Repeaters: Herman 146.800- 100hz, Herman 442.575+ 125DCS, Glenada 441.100+ 125DCS
UHF repeaters are Fusion supporting Analog/Digital communications. Glenada supports Wires-X and Link

Western Oregon's first full time emergency powered repeater. "When your power is gone, we're still on"

Oregon Coast Emergency Repeater Assn March 31, 1981 newsletter
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Central Oregon Coast Amateur Radio Club is a 501(c)3 public charity and listed as Oregon Coast Emergency Repeater, Inc. (OCERI)
Find us on Facebook.
Paypal for dues $27.00
COCARC is appreciative of the generous support from the Florence community including the West Lane Community Foundation, Elks, Rotarians, the Three Rivers Foundation, Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue and the West Lane Translators. Our ongoing mission, to provide emergency communications for West Lane County.

The Central Oregon Coast Amateur Radio Club was created to promote the use of amateur radio in our community. Our radio operator volunteers can support communication needs of local groups at community events at no charge. Examples of events we have supported in the past include at the Heceta Lighthouse Christmas Party and along race courses during race events. If you have a need for communications please contact us at

Contact Us

Net Night

Join us each Wednesday evening for W7FLO Net Night at 7:00 p.m.
Echo link check ins, For Sale, Want to buy, Information. Roll call for members and guest check in
Herman Peak Repeater 146.800 minus Tone 100.0

Looking for Something?
Click on Activities then Links

Koffee Klatch

Now meeting at the Fresh Harvest Restaurant Wednesday 8:00 a.m. Fresh Harvest is located at 3056 Highway 101 on the east side

Current Events

OCERI is excited to announce that Field Day 2025 is happening! We will be in a new location this year, with exciting details coming soon!

Field Day is a club event that takes ideas, coordination, and volunteers. I am relatively inexperienced with Field Day, and so being the coordinator this year is very challenging. I have been leaning heavily on fellow board members for the initial planning- but we need YOUR input and help to make Field Day successful.

I am asking for volunteers to assist with ideas, planning, setup, operating, teardown, etc. Whether you are up for a lot or a little- we welcome and need your participation.

Preliminary framework for this year’s event is:

Comm Trailer as primary operating area, with two HF stations and AREDN mesh.
Station #1 will focus on digital modes utilizing the ICOM 7300. ARES members - this is a great opportunity to get more experience on the standardized equipment found in all the local ops centers!
Station #2 will focus on SSB and CW using the Yaesu 991. This station can pull double duty as a GOTA station when members of the public visit.
We are hoping to get a third station on the air- but need assistance from our members with ideas- what will it be? QRP Tent? Satellite comms? Or nothing?
AREDN mesh will again be utilized to form a backbone network connecting the contest computers, simplifying logging of contacts. We are looking for new ways of utilizing the data bandwidth it provides- maybe a livestream of the contest or other services such as IP telephone service as part of the GOTA experience?

A planning session will be announced in the near future, after we hear back from YOU and get initial feedback! Please contact me (your mostly fearless Field Day Coordinator) at your earliest convenience.

Standing By,
Chuck Burgess
Vice President, OCERI
Cell: 425-351-2121
Personal Email:

Click Here for information on sale items Club Offering (1-17-2025)

Membership Renewals are in the mail. Renew early and avoid the rush. Still just $25.00 if you renew via PayPal its $27.00 to cover PayPal fee

Next Board Meeting
March 5th, 2025. 9:30 a.m. Main Fire Station 2nd floor. Zoom will also be available look for email with specifics

Salem Ham Fair February 2025 Click Here for pdf Flyer

Interested in obtaining a vanity Call Sign, Click the link for more information

Additional Items posted for sale in the members only section. A .pdf file can be viewed with listed items make an offer. Not subject to the auction guidelines email with offer. Again this is for members only

Last Update 1/26/2025
Google Analytics added 03/20/2022