
Tech Net Group

Welcome to the Tech Net Group Page
This page supports the efforts of Jay KI7UPY and his quest to provide an interactive group of Ham Radio Operators to explore current technology and provide a forum to assist Operators with questions related to all aspects of Amateur Radio

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Comments from June 21, 2020

From Julie AC0WN

I’ve put together a few links for those in your tech group who have an interest in ham satellites. Also attached is the current issue of the AMSAT Journal which you can share freely as they made it available to everyone this month as part of their COVID-19 response. (Go to and click on the link for the free download)

SATPC32 is a great tracking program.

For those just starting out a good antenna can be the first big step to successfully operating ham satellites. Here’s a couple links to great portable sat antennas:

An awesome collection of current satellite information:

Comments from June 7, 2020 Net

There was a question on tonight’s tech net about using scripts during a contest. Attached are the two scripts that I created for SSB contacts using W7FLO and W7L for Field Day. In the digital modes the scripts are put in macro form so that you click on a button and it plays the relevant part of the script. One example is:
The CW operators use similar scripts.

Local Field Day Scripts

YouTube Video about Field Day

Any other questions, please let me know.
Best wishes,
Bob Pine
Emergency Coordinator
West Lane County ARES/RACES
(310) 753-3481

TechNet April 19, 2020
All About CQ and Making Contact


1. make sure the frequency is clear before calling CQ. Listen, listen, then ask 3 times
2. General CQ— CQ, CQ, CQ <call sign>, <call sign>, <call sign>, CQ, CQ, Standing by or “BY”
3. Directed CQ— add in that you’re looking for a specific region, country, section, outside the USA, etc. to the CQ
4. Listen for enough time for someone to write your call sign down and comfortably give you a call back
5. Know some the prefixes for foreign call signs, as you are their DX
6. Have fun!


TechNet December 1, 2019
Baluns the How and Why
Balun Design Reference (website)
Where to use LDG Baluns and Ununs (pdf)

Hands on project of the Tech Net Group was building a "J" pole antenna 

Antenna Building July 18, 2019

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TechNet March 15, 2020
Wires X
We had about 10 people on the net tonight and I think that there are a lot of folks who, like me, don’t have a lot of experience listening or participating in nets. I have a few that I collected on this net to share with those who weren’t able to join us tonight.
Jay Yaesu WiRES-X: (Part 1) Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask! Yaesu WiRES-X: Everything You Wanted to Know but Were Afraid to Ask - Part 2 Yaesu WiRES-X: Everything You Wanted to Know but Were Afraid to Ask - Part 3 This is 169 page e-book that was put together in 2016. It might be a little dated with some information, but it might have some good background too.

Larry, K7GND, gave us a couple CW nets and one that meets in a “room” called the Quad Net Array. The two CW nets are:
Bob Net
06:30am 7day/week
3.558MHz (80 meters)

QRS (slow speed 13-15 wpm)
3.540 MHz
07.00pm 7days/week

The Quad Net Array

Click here for the Nets4.pdf

Correction on the Alaskan Emergency Preparedness net.
M-F 0930 am. (its listed as 0830 )
I’m on the roll call. If wishing to call in , wait until the net is over at about
0950-5 , they will call for visitors.
Robert KA6WAG

Bond, K7BND, listens to the Marine Net and the Alaska Emergency net
I looked under Alaska on the ARRL Net Directory Search and found 16 nets:

Paul, KI7LMU, Valley Radio…146.720, Tue
1900 hours

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